E-Force Apocalypse Beta and Apocalypse Grommet Set

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Product Overview

E-Force Apocalypse Beta Grommet Set for any of the entire E-Force Apocalypse and E-Force Apocalypse Beta series racquetball racquets.

Details of E-Force Apocalypse Beta Grommet Set:

Also the grommet set for all Fission / Sector 5 / Takeover / Dark Star and more

Bumper Guard Color: Black

Booster Tube Color: Were yellow / green, ARE NOW ALL BLACK

Tip:  While every racquetball racquet ships with its original bumper and grommets installed, it is always a good idea to purchase a spare set for use during a future restring when needed.  The bumper and grommets are a wear item and get worn and cracked over time, increasing the likelihood of string breakage near the frame.  These sets are manufactured for a limited period of time once the racquet is released and may not always be available in the future when you need them the most.


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